The photo is taken from the site: http://joyreactor.cc/post/1990783
For the implementation of fresh creative ideas and original design solutions, without which modern car styling is unthinkable, "air" painting technique is increasingly used – aerographics. The main task of art painting is to give the appearance of the car a special color. And if you perform high-quality detailing and tuning, the driver feels completely different driving such a unique car.
The demand and popularity of aerographics can be explained not only by the high realism of the created images, but also by the fact that without actually changing the external forms of the car, you can radically change the nature of its visual perception. After professionally executed art painting, the car acquires an identity, becomes a separate and unique stylish attribute of its owner.
Art part: concept selection, sketch development
The process of artistic transformation of the body begins with choosing the theme of the drawing, determining the style in which it will be executed. This stage is the most important and can take no less time than the aerographic painting of the car elements. The final result of styling will depend on how well the draft design is prepared, the color scheme of the drawing is chosen, and the proportions are correctly defined and maintained. Development of the scheme of a picturesque composition in each particular case is performed individually, since many factors should be taken into account, due not only to the structural (design) features of a certain automobile brand, but also the worldview of a real person (the owner of the car).
Technical part: surface preparation, tools, equipment
High-quality car aerographics is not possible without preliminary preparation and restoration (if necessary) of the surface of the body parts. Before applying the image, all detected chips and scratches of the paintwork, as well as minor dents are eliminated using standard local body repair methods. The restored surface is evenly sanded (matted), degreased and the base (base coat of paint) is applied to it. The main tool that took the place of the usual brush and with which drawing is carried out is an airbrush – a device for thin dosed spray paint with compressed air. Innovative painting technique allows you to recreate highly artistic compositions on the relief surface of the body characterized by photographic clarity and detail of the depicted objects. The use of pre-prepared stencils of individual drawing elements and plastic templates allows you to significantly speed up the process of creating an airbrush canvas.
Very often, aerographics is performed by a combined method, which implies the use of the entire arsenal of existing techniques and techniques of this type of painting. The brightness of colors and durability of the picture is achieved through the use of special high-quality car enamels and lacquers. At the final stage of the work, the airbrush image is coated with several layers of transparent car varnish and the final surface polishing is performed. Aerographics on a car is a fashionable and creative way to style the "appearance" of a vehicle. But, like any type of work, it requires a professional approach. It is reasonable to trust the performance of car airbrushing exclusively to specialists who have not only skills of working with an airbrush, but also have artistic taste.
The photo is taken from the site: http://joyreactor.cc/post/1990783